Ansikta bak Dei Beste Damene er Åse Teigland, Anne Hytta og Synnøve S. Bjørset, nokre av dagens fremste hardingfelespelarar. Damene formidlar eit stort mangfald av klangfargar og rytmikk, og det er tre tydelege og sterke musikalske uttrykk som kjem til syne når damene spelar slåttar med svært personleg signatur. Entusiasmen og lidenskapen for den tradisjonelle hardingfelemusikken har ført dei saman, og lyttarane kan vente seg ei utgjeving med feit, frekk og drivande felelyd.
Teigland, Hytta og Bjørset er alle meritterte utøvarar med lang og brei erfaring som musikarar i ulike konstellasjonar. Som solistar har dei alle tre gjeve ut kritikarroste plater, og no kjem altså deira felles innspeling, utgjeven på det fabelaktige selskapet ta:lik.
Three Hardanger fiddle soloists on one stage
“Dei Beste Damene” also known abroad as “The Greatest Girls” is a collaboration between three of Norway’s leading Hardanger fiddlers. Åse Teigland, Synnøve S. Bjørset and Anne Hytta are all highly skilled performers, each one with a strong individual sound. Their eagerness and passion for the Hardanger fiddle tunes have brought them together on stage where they perform as soloists, showing the great diversity that lies in the mysterious universe of this exceptional instrument. With musical heritage from the regions Hardanger, Sunnfjord and Telemark, all three of them have done several recordings both as soloists and as band musicians. Now, in the hands of these Hardanger fiddle masters, a new CD will be released on October 18th. The CD named Soli (Solos) is very much characterized by the girl’s distinct expressions, but is also demonstrating their common feel for the music.
“I seek the sensation of discovering greatness in small things, and strength in simplicity—the kind of world that opens up when you draw long lines across smaller ones, adjusting, embellishing and reassembling. The tunes are there, ready to be examined and presented in the musical here-and-now” Synnøve “The energy, sensitivity and poetry that fiddle music embodies, where there’s always room for new discoveries and new experiences. Small variations have great impact. Change a stroke or a phrase, and you have something new. The sources are limitless, and the instrument always carries a greater potential than what I manage to bring out. This is what drives me: the urge to push myself further” Åse “I have always been fascinated by the coarse, intense, full-bodied sound of the Hardanger fiddle. The way I have been taught it, fiddle music has strict rules and boundaries. But on a more minimal level, one has great freedom to vary motifs and create embellishments, and I think it’s because of these elements that I have come to regard fiddle music as my natural form of musical expression. I like the music, and I like relating it in my own way”
/ Anne