Bergens Tidende
Tindra Tindra sin musikk spenner ifrå tradisjonelle songar og slåttar i eigne arrangement, til eigenkomponerte låtar med tekstar av m.a. Jan Magnus Bruheim og Ragnar Hovland, alt ikledd ei folkemusikalsk drakt. Det handlar mellom anna om geiter, friarar, ein forelska trast og eit elska fjell. Trioen formidlar det norske folkemusikkspråket på ein ny måte med sine fantasifulle arrangement i spennet mellom det vare, kjensleladde og det sprudlande, energiske.
Trioen består av folkesongar Åshild Vetrhus ifrå Suldal i Rogaland, akkordeonist Irene Tillung ifrå Voss og felespelar Jorun Marie R. Kvernberg ifrå Fræna i Romsdal. Dei tre danna trioen Tindra i 2000 og har sidan utvikla eit breidt repertoar som no har resultert i cd-innspeling (cd-slepp i mai 2005). Tindra har etter endte musikkstudium i 2004 auka aktiviteten betrakteleg. Dette har mellom anna resultert i Kvartsprisen 2005 og finaleplass i Rikskonsertane si storsatsing IntroFolk 2005.
Musikarane har dessutan utvikla seg ifrå arrangørar av tradisjonelt stoff til komponistar: Kvernberg fekk i 2005 Tono sin første Edvard-pris innan folkemusikksjangeren for verket "Då kom du", og delar av denne står på Tindra sitt repertoar saman med mange andre nye komposisjonar frå trioen sine medlemar.
Subtle, fresh and sonorous
The three young women of Tindra provide innovative renditions of the tunes of their ancestors, as well as crafting their own songs, powered by strong West Norwegian traditions and a clear view of modern musical styles. Listen to the words of Petter Dass, Ragnar Hovland and Åshild’s grandmother! It’s no ordinary, everyday occurrence for the big thrush to fall in love, or for all things to perish. At least not in settings as tuneful as these" / Gabriel Fliflet - producer.
Tindra’s music encompasses their own arrangements of traditional tunes as well as original material within the folk music idiom, incorporating poems by Jan Magnus Bruheim and Ragnar Hovland, among others. Topics include goats, suitors, a lovesick thrush and praise for a mountain.
The trio presents an innovative approach to Norwegian folk music traditions, as witnessed in their imaginative arrangements combining sensitivity and deep emotion with exuberant energy. The trio’s members are singer Åshild Vetrhus from Suldal, Rogaland; accordeon player Irene Tillung from Voss; and fiddler Jorun Marie R. Kvernberg from Fræna, Romsdal.
Since its formation in 2000 Tindra has developed a varied repertoire, as witnessed on this debut recording. Since completing their music studies in 2004, Tindra’s activity has increased substantially. They won the Kvarts award for 2005 and made the finals in the Intro-Folk competition 2005. At the same time, the members have progressed from arranging traditional tunes to writing their own. In 2005, Kvernberg won TONO’s first-ever Edvard award in the folk music genre with her composition Då kom du, parts of which appear in the Tindra repertoire along with several other new pieces by members of the trio.